Monday 30 May 2011

The First Day

It's the 30th of May, 12:45 pm. I am creating my first blog!
So, A big "Hello" to y'all!!!
I have heard all sorts of stories about blogging, and one that really inspires me is of my German Teacher. This lady, so strong and firm in her belief, is an epitome of the "real-teacher", one that we hardly can find today! Such a sad state isn't it? Well, blogging is an untreaded path for me, yet to reveal itself completely. As this mystery unfolds, I have a faith that I'll become true to the definition of a "blogger". For now, it's me Prashansa Punjabi, an amateur blogger (for the time-being) signing off! As in the Chinese Proverb, "A journey of a 1000 miles begins with a single step", this blog is for me my first step!
Hope to write more! :)


  1. good! keep on writing, and someday we'll see the future editor of the Times. :)
