Monday 15 August 2011

The Bigger & More Intimidating Picture

On the 14th of August, 1947, at the strike of midnight, there came into existence a new nation, which aimed at being progressive and then progressed one fine day, aimed at satisfying it's people one day and then eventually became self-satisfied, aimed at being strong enough to fight against all odds and then became a super-power one fateful day! Ladies and gents, I present to you, my pride, India.

India has risen, literally, from the ashes! We were nothing but farmers in the older days, running the economy on "barter system". Today we run solely and heartily on the "BADA RUPAYYA"! The World Bank says that India is the second most stable economy after China. Multinational companies look upon India to keep their businesses in action! In this context, I think it is safe to say that we are undoubtedly on the path of progress, of development and I'd go further as to say that I earnestly believe that that day is not very far away when India becomes an economic prowess!

And since we are on the subject of being a prowess, I'd also like to reinstate the fact that India is not much further away from the hour of turning into a security and intelligence prowess as well, a stronghold! And I would like to believe that, albeit the present circumstances. Because a belief makes a man change his productive thoughts into right actions! As Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam says, "You have to dream before your dreams can come true", so we have to dream about a GREAT INDIA and then eventually, consequently, soon that dream will change into a solid reality! And as a backup for my belief, I'd not only like to keep my thoughts positive for the government's proceedings and actions, but I'd also like to lend my help and my time in assisting the officials to get the things in India right! Because the freedom of a nation means being free from corruption, terrorism, poverty and slavery! This is the oath the people took on the fateful night of 14th August, 1947, which dawned a new country on the 15th of August, 1947! It's been 64 years since then and we have forgotten the logical basis of freedom. Being an Indian doesn't mean that we can just enjoy what a thousands of other Indians died for 64 years ago. Being an Indian means that we have to stand for  our country in it's dire times of need and do anything then that it demands. Being an Indian doesn't mean that you can spit, pee on, litter the same footpaths that are used by other fellow and poor Indians as their sleeping addas. Being an Indian doesn't mean that you can just stand up at a random time of the day and blame the government for getting itself into a debt! Being an Indian means to work by actions and speech for the betterment, peace and equality in India. Being an Indian means fighting against terrorism, internal or external, at an individual's levels first. Being an Indian means positively dreaming and changing that dream into actions for the DEVELOPED INDIA!

I don't know abut you, but 20 years from today I wholeheartedly wish of breathing the air of, thanking the Almighty for a developed, strong, anti-corruption, anti-terrorism, a believer in equality and an active INDIA!

May God bless the nation of India abundantly!
Jai Hind!

Monday 8 August 2011

Excerpts from this Week - Street Photography

This is an all photos post, my second one! Hoe you like it as much as I enjoyed clicking these photos back at home sweet home, Pune! And please overlook the kinks in the photos because I just learnt the art of "street" photography! :-)

This is a picture of flowers I clicked at home (more like a leisure time thing!)

These are Rakhis at a roadside shop in Pune

Rakshabandhan Time
Rakhis for Rakshabandhan

This is from a shoe shop in Pune during the sales put up for Rakshabandhan, more like a festival time thing

Just a random sneakers click

There is all the public and mom taking their picks for the season

Hope you liked it!


P.S : All rights for the photos are reserved.

Thursday 4 August 2011

A Feeling So Soft! A Meaning So Strong!

Yesterday my neighbour, an elderly woman whom I have nicknamed "Ruby Dadi" called out for me through mom, to help her with switching on her digital camera. I was busy that time, and told her that I will come as soon as I become free. After about 15 minutes I went into her house. She was sitting right there, in front of the door and when she saw me she smiled and greeted me!

I have been with Ruby Dadi ever since I remember! I have practically grown up in her house, until I got busy with my studies. When I was a small girl, Dadi used to make namkeen rotis for me every holiday morning and I used eat that only out of her hand! And not to mention my absolutely genuine affection to her late dog named "Ruby" and Dadi got her nickname due to her dog only!

The Disney Camera (Not my courtesy)
Now, she knows that I'm going off to college to study Mechanical Engineering and she figured that I was having a lot of free time on my hands to kill! So I went there and Dadi directed me to her digital camera saying she was helplessly unable to switch on that gadget! She said, "Beta, you are a Mechanical Engineer, isn't it? Will you please help me switch on this camera?" At first it didn't strike me that she expected me to do so because she relied on me due to my education and love for gadgets! But then Dadi sat right next to me, and she looked at me expectantly every time I said, "Oh!"

Now, the camera's a 2006 model of Disney Digital Camera's range of DB. At first I thought it was a normal camera, but after reading the manual I did realize that! Dadi then gave me the camera to take home, examine it, see the softwares and all and then see if it's working! But ultimately, all my struggles were in vain because the camera had internal problems and I couldn't risk Dadi's trust by making any mistakes there! So I returned the camera just as it was.

When I came home, mom  said, "See Beta, people trust you because of who you are and who you're gonna be! A very few people are lucky enough to experience this - someone who believes in them and their dreams and aspirations! You've got a whole bunch of people!"

"Faith is the bird that sings when the dawn is still dark" said Tagore. I realized this on that day, about a month before starting college, when I had my own bunch of dilemmas! A light yet highly effective and beautiful moment like this definitely brightened up the horizon for me! I know now that 4 years from today, I am going to be an amazing Mechanical Engineer not just for me, but also for all the people who believe in me and my dreams! I owe it to all of us! :-)