Friday 11 May 2012

Goliath of a Cloud

Today I travelled to Talegaon - Dabhade, a sub-urban area of Pune itself. Those from Pune or living in Pune might very well know the weather that we experienced at around 7 pm in the evening. Now, for those who don't know, the weather that we experienced was an orange-ish rainy one. The sky was all orange and the winds blew as if just the next minute the skys would turn on their taps!

The way to Talegaon is all highway only. It later connects to the Expressway to Mumbai. We city people have a rather "modern" habit of rolling up our car's windows and switching on our ACs and listening to music and that's what we call 'a drive'! I do that too! But this time, it was subtly different!

On our way, the clouds came in and the winds became stronger. The orange colour started to fade and a tint of black and gray started to mix in the sky as the evening fell. Through my window, which was still rolled up, I looked into the sky. And, oh my! I saw a huge cloud (or clouds), as black as night itself, covering the entire horizon! As and when that giant moved forward, it covered every silver lining of oh-so-innocent clouds, it covered the shimmering light of every tiny little star that wanted to come out and show itself and every tiny shrub of the hefty mountains that wanted to survive what could be a storm! There was just this one Goliath, and David was nowhere to be found! However, it hadn't begun to pour as yet!

Later, we had to make a quick stop to buy my baby cousins some chocolates. For the same reason, I had to get out of my car. So I got out, went to the shop, bought two 5 Stars and turned around to come back to the car. The moment I stepped on the ground, a huge breeze came and swept all the dirt lying on the ground into a mini whirlwind. This forced me to look up at the sky. And when I did look up, I saw a massive, black tuft of a cloud staring right into me. Though it was a beautiful sight to watch, I forced myself into the car as the chances of a really heavy rain were more than just possible. So, I climbed right back in. And believe me, that very moment, it poured!

As we drove further, we came to the Sahara Stadium area and there was a match going on. A thought, then, just passed my mind: "Man can change the face of the Earth. But he can't really change the sky! Though many people might have cursed the rain that fell, but the ground below rejoiced with overflowing joy as her wishes were fulfilled when the sky became heavy and monstrous and when the winds whispered into her ears 'The rain is here!'"

And knowing this, I thought myself to be so small and minute a living being in this really big universe!

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