Friday 6 December 2013

Silence - When Gets Louder

The Late Nelson Mandela
It is okay to shout and be heard if no one listens to the silence in your voice. But, I have seen the world change by a silence so loud that even the largest screams and shrieks of people died, when the one silent but determined voice spoke up!

Today, the 6th of December, 2013, witnessed the death of a world leader, Mr. Nelson Mandela. Yes, he was a world leader. He changed the way people perceived humanity, in more than just one way! Yes, I live in a country which was freed by Mahatma Gandhi, but I was indifferent to this fact till date that one man can bring about a reformation changing and recharging lives around the world - the lives of black people by eradicating racism! So, yes, Mr. Nelson Mandela, after Jesus Christ, has made me realize that it is possible and that if one man wants a revolution, really wants a revolution, then the entire universe conspires for him to have it!

The people who knew Mr. Nelson Mandela  have been recorded saying that "Madiba" (as they called him) was a soft spoken person, who preferred speaking in a soft and calming voice instead of ranting and chanting that we witness  lot these days by our youth. Well, there goes the difference! He was a person who knew that the country was as important to him as his family. However, just because he was a politician by profession, he did not bring his work home to intrude his private time with his family! He knew when he needed a break from his profession as a 'politician' and when he had to switch to the profession of a 'father'.

Now, compare against this the present scenario of politicians, especially Mr. Narendra Modi and Mr. Rahul Gandhi, who are these days busy with the "promotion" of their political parties. They shout in sabhas on top of their voices to prove a point. The effect of this act - neither the point gets proven nor do the mindsets of the people change! At the risk of getting arrested, probably in the near future, I have posted this today. I am confident that, if only all the leaders around the world learned a little from these trend-setters like Mr. Nelson Mandela or Jesus Christ then we would have been living in a better world - the Earth would have been a better place to live!

But, alas!

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