Wednesday 19 February 2014

I Pretend

Why do we pretend? Why do we pretend to be something or someone that we are not, that too, on a daily basis?

I mean, take my example. I pretend I love photography, whereas what I "love" is my studies - the studies which will make me a mechanical engineer in 2 years. I pretend I am happy and nice and stable, whereas I am happy, I am stable but being nice all the time - that's not me! I pretend I am positive all the time - but only I know that my thoughts lead me astray at times when I am left alone!

We pretend - to such an extent that now, it's just becoming a way of life for us. We are pretending and in that process, we cross the fine line between who we are and who we think we are. Then when we realize we have we have crossed the dividing line, we stop, turn back and evaluate ourselves. Sometimes, what we have become since we crossed that line is amazing - we might have become a better person in the process of pretending. But sometimes, the pretenses alter you to such a degraded level that when you look in the mirror, you feel like smashing your head in. That's bad.

"How we think soon changes into how we speak. How we speak soon changes into how we act. How we act soon changes into our character. And our character - it is our second nature. Hence, think on the right things!"

The Bible talks about reaping what you sow and hence sow a good seed - to surmise. If we pretend like everything in life's good, happy and prosperous, soon enough we will see that being fulfilled in the tangible form.

In the stressful life that we live today, it becomes imperative that we pretend that everything's fine. It is the one pretense that I am in favour of. Otherwise, if we didn't pretend like all was fine, we would end up suiciding! I used to think that pretending is like role playing. But no, when you pretend that everything's fine in your life and your surroundings, you are making your mind accustomed to the good things.You are making your mind believe that things are going to be good. It means you are sowing a positive seed in your mind, making it believe that it is a fertile land. That is a good thing. And as they say, believing is everything, soon enough you'll be able to see things falling in their right place, things changing to their rightful colour, seasons changing and things realising!

So, why aren't we pretending?

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