Friday 1 July 2011

Bring Me Back To The Passport Office

A little bit of sunshine and a little bit of rain. Took a bath at 7 am, which is just not like me. Watched "Castle" on Star World at 8 am and left for the passport office at 9:30 am. Picked up Amita on my way at The Barrista at 9:50 am. Reached the Passport Office exactly at 10 am. Tell me, now, isn't that a lot more than just "punctual"? That's "superhero"! That is like being at all the right places and doing all the right things. By the way, I have slept only for six hours out of the 28 hours until publishing this post! Whoo! That is being "super - super - hero"! Yay!

Apparently, I loved the premises of that office; what with all the humungous eucalyptus trees and the cool and serene shadows! All except the Rs.5 that they charge per hour for the parking! And they don't take a specific amount on the spot; they are clever and educated no lesser than an H.S.C! Being a lady, I can keep this issue aside, but seriously, don't these guys have any other "PRODUCTIVE" jobs to do? On the other hand, the exceptionally eloquent talks that I had with Amita were more than just verbal - the upshots started showing in reality! There's this verse that factually states,"The sincere desires of the heart are always fulfilled!" Keep this in mind as you read on!

At 10 am I was in the fifth circuit of the queue.  An hour and a half later, I was in the first circuit. A half an hour later, after the big-belly guard checked my papers and the super-hungry-cum-sleepy token-guy gave me my token, I went and stood in the C-3 queue. 

The office is an exceptionally good place, where the tall and thin guys sit, scrutinizing your passport application. ( I even described this counter guy as "tall, thin & 'smart'"! I mean, what got into me to call that guy "smart"?)

We waited then. Amita had left and I had made some cool, new friends there called Cheryl (a sweet girl who had my back there), a Pink Dress Lady (she was very sweet and understanding) and a BVB employee (she was nice to us too)! 

Oh, yeah! The lunch break!
Well, the lunch break was like a half hour break the employees out there get. So it was like 3 pm and I had had no breakfast in the morning and neither did the other girls. So, me and Cheryl went out and got Lays and KrackJack, ate a little outside and sneaked some food inside the "no eatables zone" for the other girls. And trust me, when your stomach is rumbling due to hunger, you definitely will do anything for your 'friend' - even if that means sneaking foodstuffs inside a government office and eating right under the nose of the guard!
And then exactly at 3:45 pm my turn with the "tall & thin" counter guy came! Finally! After waiting for 6 hours! 6 special hours wherein I could have done something worthy of doing! And I gave that guy my papers with a smile on my face denoting relief! I called him "bhaiyya"! He saw my documents and gave me a smile! I looked at the rest of the applicants with a smile! And so, only a smile could define that moment which came after a long haul!

And then that "tall & thin" guy said, with real light-weighed words,"YOUR DOCUMENTS ARE NOT SUFFICIENT!" 

And all I could say was, "BITE ME!"

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