Tuesday 26 July 2011

The First Sight of a New Life

The title to this post is kind of a confusion-creator, really! But again, when you are anxious about so many things and in the middle of making a greeting card for a really special person, your thoughts happen to take a bump every time you give a second thought to a greeting card idea! Happens more than often when it's a really special person! :-)
Well, let's get to the title. Today I went to see my new college, a new place I am going to call "HOME" away from home for the next 4 years. And I am making apologies before hand for not getting any photos with me from there. But next time I promise I will get them to you guys! :-) 
It so happens that I am allotted the SSMS's PVPIT College of Engineering in Bavdhan, Pune. It's a really nice campus, situated on a hill, lush green, amazing and virgin breezes always blowing there and the staff, the building and the crowd is almost 'okay'.  (To be honest I couldn't make much out of the crowd! I need the college to begin in order to determine what kinda crowd there is!) The only drawback is the really high fees - Rs.1,08,625/- per year only (!!!).
At first I actually got a mini heart attack when I read this college's name against my I-D number. Mom was so happy, she was literally sprinting from the kitchen to my room! Dad was happy too, if "happy" were defined as "being calm and yawning, with an occasional nod" (what when it was 6 am in the morning!). All morning I couldn't think of anything besides this particular college, how it was and what were the placements like. I made up all sorts of stories and theories in my head (was actually practicing being a good mechanical engineer!), but all this just so that all my pre-conceptions would be shattered to bits and pieces, about 2 hours from then! :-(
And when I reached PVPIT, I actually liked that place, besides the fact that my favourite Uncle teaches there first year mathematics! So, this was the first sight or more appropriately a sneak preview of a new life, roughly lasting for the coming four years. But I have made up my mind to totally enjoy this time in college, make loads of new friends, make even better projects and actually live these 4 years! :-)
So, PVPIT, here I come!!!

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