Saturday 4 June 2011

And She Called Me "Rinku Didi"

It was the 2nd of December in 2009. A really cold, frosty day in Pune. I had my school in the morning, until 5:30 pm, and then I left for home. I used to drive a scooter back then to home, so for the same I got all wrapped up in woolens, said a goodbye to my friends and went on my way. As I was driving, around the third turn I saw a really old man walking. I was so drowned in my own world of thoughts that I didn't notice the fact that my bike was actually going to run into him. And as soon as I regained my "brains", I pressed the breaks and I stopped immediately! Phoo! That old man went on his way, and I wiped the sweat off of my forehead and drove along.
After reaching home, I made a quick cup of ginger tea for myself. As sat in my room sipping the tea, I went over all the events of that. Besides the regular routine, I had one more event to go over - the old man. When you go to think about it, the positive side was that he was saved by my irrefutably, always-ready brakes, but if I hadn't woken up from the unconsciousness, I would've definitely taken that man's life! Not only his life, but I would've taken away his wife's husband, his children's father, his company's employee! And I would've been the culprit - me. But at that moment, he was safe - safe from an unpredicted happening.
Oh, I forgot to tell you that it was also my cousin's birthday on the 2nd. So, I left at 7 pm for her party. I didn't know until then that my li'l cousins, Blessy (2 years, then) and Joshua (a few months, then) were also going to attend the party. And so, it was a joy seeing both of them there. The party went well, and as we were sitting for dinner, Blessy was showing us all the things that she had learnt from her mom such as saying words like "cucumber", "umberella" and her full name. It was a complete happy, family time there! But when you were almost going to kill some, you tend to sit shut quite often, and in my case that can occur more than rare!
Well, after dinner I took Blessy and my other younger cousins outside to play on that chilly night. As I watched them play, I again went back to the old man scene, and was lost. What if that would've happened to someone close to me? I would've been devastated! I smelled the chill of the air around me, and it went right through my nostrils into my bones, numbing me even more! I was lost, lost in a cloud of mixed thoughts - positive and negative. In the midst all of those really puzzling thoughts, I heard a tiny voice from behind me saying, "Rinku Didi"! And she said that again and again. With some curiosity I turned around and saw little Blessy shouting "Rinku Didi" and when she caught my eye, she started running here and there saying the same! Ah! I smiled, and after 10 seconds I just wasn't able to shut my mouth! Blessy was running here and there shouting my name, laughing at me, teasing me and all that felt beautiful! And then, after that I just couldn't stop smiling, and believe me, I had forgotten everything about that old man, and my little could-have-happened accident! And I played with my little sister for the rest of the time that we were there! :) 
That's exactly how God taught me to look at the positive side and always think positive - through a little girl. He wanted me to look at that fact wherein the old man was stable, alive and with his family today! :)

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