Wednesday 1 June 2011

A Happy & Fun - Loving God

 I belong to an Indian Christian family. When we speak of being an Indian Christian, and a Methodist at that too, we are directly speaking about going to church every Sunday, giving your tithes to the church, covering your head once you are 18 years of age (for girls only) and etc. Given that my birth was in a God-fearing family (totally), I was taught about Jesus Christ, God the Father & Holy Spirit since I learned how to speak! It was like my parents said, "This baby girl knows how to say Mummy; let's teach her how to pray!" And so, there goes! I learned how to pray at a very early age and today everyone compliments me on being so persuasive and faithful in prayer! :)
All these hassle-tassels aside, I was given a portrait of God, not by my parents, but by my priest, and was asked to believe in it, have faith in it, make the guy in that portrait my God! What in hell, now, was that? Well, until I grew 16, I never gave this itchy-twitchy tradition, belief or whatever you want to call it, a second thought! But sooner or later, I realized; and coming to light with my Father in Heaven was the coolest thing that ever happened to me! :)
Poetically phrasing it, but when my eyes opened, I saw God in me; in everything good, beautiful, majestic, powerful, humble and passionate, I found God. But most of all, I found God in my goals, aims and aspirations! And soon I established that the guy in that picture was a crook, a useless painting of some cheap artist, whereas the presence that I felt when I was on my way to achieving success, the existence that overcame all hardships, troubles, worries and satisfied my queries as a teen, was God Himself!
And the other day, in April 2009, when we were worshiping, I saw Jesus Christ! I saw Holy Spirit dancing to the tune of our worship, that ascended to Heaven as a fragrance! And finally, I saw God the Father, sitting at His throne, in all majesty, looking over Zion, and He named us that!
And so, I can finally say, irrefutably state, that God enjoys it when we worship Him, as a father enjoys the restless nights' singing of his child! Jesus Christ loves being our family member (as He already is our Brother) and Holy Spirit too! But how can you totally rely on a person you have just met? I had just met God when I was born in Christian family. But now, me and my God, we are the "bestest friends"! God touched me, healed me, caressed me & took me upon His shoulder! And hence, now you can find only one pair of footprints in the sands of time, as I am not walking anymore; I am sitting on the shoulders of my Father, and He is walking me towards the perfect destination! But how mean I would be if I'd let this journey, till my destination, pass away without a laugh, a sharing, a learning, a little fun, a little play? No, I ain't that mean,  at the least not towards my own Father! :) My Father and my Brothers love having fun! :)


  1. That ws gr8 prashansa...I dono y ppl try 2 find god in pictures or idol or say day god xisits at sum specific plcs..whereas dey 4gt 2 consider dat if god hs made us den he must aslo xsist in us & in da ppl around us!!:).....p.s nyc pics!!

  2. thanks rujuta! I apreciate it! :)
