Monday 20 June 2011

A Reason To Live Everyday - Life

This is something new!

My cousin once sent me a text message on Easter's day, saying," Jesus Christ died so that we could live an eternal life! So live a rocking life, happily!" I read that message, and said to myself, "Rats! I have to live a life so that Jesus' sacrifice on the cross will be worthy!" But it so happens that when you decide something instantaneously, without a little pondering, you end up not doing it rather than practising it! It SO happened in my case too!

According to doctors all around the world, people who worry, spend a lot of time under stress, tend to shorten their life expectancy! These people are known to be obese, have blood pressure problems and other heart related problems. This is one of the derivations made on the bases of the Bible, written in Matthew 6:11, wherein it clearly states that "Give us this day our Daily Bread". It is not mentioned as "Give us this day our Weekly/ Monthly/ Yearly Bread"! God gives us enough food to suffice us a day. He doesn't give us an entire week's stock of grains right on the 1st of any month! Similarly, He expects us to live one day at a time. He does not want us to get involved in finishing up tomorrow's quota of work today - instead He wants us to enjoy what we are presently doing, and so eventually we will be more productive in whatever we do!

God wants you to be relying on Him that all things will come to pass according to our time of need. He will not make you stand in the cue for getting your wishlist checked! He knows what all you need, when you need and what you are going to do after you have got that! He is IN CONTROL! But all that He asks of you is for you to live each day, each moment, each second of the day! He wants you to be struck with life - an awesome life, which was given to you when Jesus Christ gave away His on the Cross of Calvary!

This is something new that I learned from God! This is what He wants us to do!

Once a joker cracked a joke in front of his audience. They all laughed till they were in tears. Again the joker cracked the same joke in front of the same people. This time a few people laughed. Again the joker cracked the same joke, and this time no one laughed! Then the joker said, "If you cannot hold onto one good incident and be happy about it for the rest of your life, then you have no right to hold on to one bad happening of your life and be sad about it for the rest of your life!"

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