Thursday 9 June 2011

A Political Chaos

We are all experiencing the storms stirred up by the "fasting" meetings held at Ramlila Ground and other places. We are witnessing, everyday, a new turn on the grounds formerly known as "Indian Politics". On one hand, we have a determined approach towards killing corruption and on the other hand we have a highly vague, highly ill-founded idea of getting all the black money, that is India's, back to India. However the Indian population (majority) believes in these ideas, whether vague or determined, and is following the very footsteps of an extremely famous yoga Baba and a schedule caste socialist. Even donkeys can do that - I bet! 

Can't we give a second thought to all that that is currently happening in the scenario footed "India"? Can't you take a just a few seconds off and ponder over this "follow-the-Baba" thing? Think about it! When you are protesting, shouting on top of your voice, in a nearby house there might be an elderly or a baby or a diseased or a pregnant woman, who is trying to sleep. On the road to the protestations, there would be so much crowd that even the ambulance carrying a dying person that needs to get to the hospital or a man whose wife or mother waiting in his house for dinner, might get stuck in the crowd of utterly brainless people. Or the public properties such as electricity might be on a high wastage there or the peace of that area would be disrupted. Heck, the government's time would then be casually wasted in getting the injured people from the "protests" to the hospital and keeping their count and not only this, but also the government would get exhausted getting this protest mess right than spending time on amendments and then before anyone would know it, the elections would be here! Seriously, India! Do you want this? Or do you want a corruption-free government? 

If a clean and tidy government is what India desires, then India has to change the ways in which it communicates to the officials! Hell, more than half the people who are participating in those rallies might even have a criminal record or a record for money-laundering or any other dark practices, and no one will even know because those guys were "protesting for the good"! Hell of a Saviour, huh? My opinion about these masses is that they should check themselves first and make amendments in their ways of life and only after that should they go on to the government; because India is a democracy where the government is of the PEOPLE, by the PEOPLE and for the PEOPLE!

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